What is Prevention Clinic?
Our life enters into an era of 100-year lifespans and the biggest concern is “Aging and Illness.”
If we can control “Aging and Illness”, a different future and life await us.
We provide medical care that performs beyond early detection/early treatment to prevent aging and illness.
Our Three FEATURES only available at our clinic.
We will support you in order for you to extend your healthy life expectancy in the optimal environment.
Medical Checkup
We offer Comprehensive medical examination and brain checkup plans while your stay at the 5-star hotel “THE PENINSULA TOKYO”, as well as specialized day checkups.
Equipped with MRI and CT manufactured by GE, introduction of DWIBS examination, and we provide hospitality and top-class service only available in a 5-star hotel.
Our specialist will consult and explain for the results which makes a smooth transition to refer you to a partner university hospital for additional examinations and treatments in the unlikely event of discovering an abnormality. Our experienced staff will take care of your health.
Preventive Treatment Preventive Treatment
Through early detection of current diseases and those that may occur in the future,
as an advanced regenerative medicine that removes aging factors causing diseases,
we propose a comprehensive approach at Clinic 9ru and Biostyle Clinic using treatments such as NMN to activate longevity genes, blood purification, and stem cell therapies.
University Hospital Collaborative medical facilities
At The Prevention Clinic Tokyo, if any abnormalities are detected during the examination,
we will refer you to affiliated medical facilities, such as university hospitals,
where you can proceed with further tests and treatments.